Home Grain Mill

A home grain mill is one of the best investments you will ever make. It's a way to have fresh flour on hand even if you can't make it to the grocery store for an extended period of time.

Wondermill grain mill is one of the best grain mills available.

This WonderMill Grain Mill is the best grain mill on the market.

Not only will it help you make the best, most nutritious bread out there, but you can also make your own fresh corn meal, rice, and oat flour. It's a simple matter of buying whole oats or rice and then grinding them into flour using your grain mill. Fresh flour you grind yourself is always healthier.

Best of all, you can use it along with your bulk grains to save money and always have plenty of food on hand for an emergency. I never buy brown rice flour for my gluten-free sourdough bread starter. Instead, I buy brown rice in bulk and store it in my freezer. Whenever I need some flour, I grind it up fresh using my grain mill. It saves me a ton of money.

But what kind of grain mill should you buy? The answer depends on whether you want an electric grain mill or a hand-operated one. Here are some of the best on the market.

Why a grain mill is invaluable for prepping.

Best Electric Home Grain Mill Is the WonderMill Grain Mill

The Wondermill Grain Mill (pictured above) is a high speed stainless steel mill that is designed to not overheat your flour. Plus it has a 12-cup capacity flour receiver that can double as a storage canister, but you do want to be sure to use your freshly ground flour within 12 hours, or it will lose most of its nutritional value.

The trouble with most electric grain mills is you can't get a coarse grind from one of these mills. If this is important to you, you may need to consider investing in a hand mill instead of or in addition to this one. But otherwise, this home grain mill is a great investment that will last you for years if you take care of it.  You can find the Wondermill Grain Mill here.

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The German Grain Mill

Nobody can make a grain mill like the Germans, and the KoMo Grain Mill is a German grain mill that has an ultra hard ceramic and corundum millstone that grinds even the toughest grains quickly and efficiently.

Better still, the motor runs pretty quietly, something the steel grain mills can't truly claim.

The KoMo Mill makes fine flour and unlike other grain mills, you can adjust it, and it truly will make larger grains for muesli and oatmeal. 

The KoMo Grain Mill runs more quietly than a steel mill.

A KoMo Grain Mill runs more quietly than the steel mill.

It is a bit costlier than other steel grain mills, but this German grain mill is definitely worth the investment. Think quality long-term with this one.  You can find the KoMo Grain Mill here.

Hand Grain Mills

It's a good idea to invest in a hand grain mill in addition to an electric grain mill for several reasons. First, you'll find a hand mill is far quieter to operate than the electric steel grind mills. I like to pull out my hand mill when the kids are napping or when I just need a little bit of flour for a recipe.

With my hand mill, I can get a coarser grain of flour, something not possible with most steel grain mills. Also, a hand mill really comes in handy when the power goes out or if you go off the grid.

Best Hand Grain Mills

Here are two of the best hand grain mills available:

Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain/Flour Mill

The Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain/Flour Mill is simply the best hand grain mill out there in my opinion. I have one of these mills and love it. It's designed to clamp to any table or countertop and is relatively easy to operate.

Plus, it's easy to clean and will grind coffee, seeds, and nuts as well as other grains. I highly recommend this hand-home grain millYou can find one here.

A hand-operated grain mill is invaluable when the power is out.

A hand-operated grain mill, like this one, is a good investment should the power go out.

Country Living Hand Grain Mill

The Country Living Hand Grain Mill is an extremely solid hand grain mill that carries a lifetime warranty and is easy to use. But because it is top-heavy, you will need to bolt this mill down to a countertop or table for better use.

You probably don't want to grind oily seeds with this hand-operated, home grain mill as cleanup would be a real chore, but it will work well with grains and oats.  You can find one here.

A solid hand grain mill lasts you for a lifetime.

This solid hand grain mill lasts a lifetime.

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