Spring snow storms

by Daniel
(Spring Grove, IL.)

Last weekend we were graced with a snow storm on the 1st day of Spring. Yes I had some veggies in the garden....peas, spinach and carrot seedlings; first time I've grown carrots.

They were casualties of the storm and were weak to start. But I was able to protect the spinach and peas along with the seeds of lettuce and onions.

Well the snow melted by Sunday night, and temps are back into the mid 50's yet mid to low 30s at night. I started my next round of seeds, and they are off to a great start; tomatoes, bush beans, and zukes. They actually pushed the lid off of the planter and now it is set up in the window for the next 3-6 weeks.

By then the temps will stabilize and the soil will warm in my raised beds along with the mulch cover. Which give the opportunity to plant early and prolong the growing season.

It does take extra effort but last year it paid off before the dry season came in and ruined root development. I had an experienced gardening friend start their seeds in the garden and much later than I planted my seedlings. They had an awful year in growth and yield from the same size garden beds.

So I will keep pushing the limits of early season, which I believe strengthen the veggies and yield good results, if they survive those late season snow storms.

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