Justa Mere Simple Life

by Narde Banks
(Lake Region, NH, USA)


After working like a crazy woman and not getting anywhere or anything but sick and tired and sad, I quit it all. I spent the last year learning or I should say re-learning how to live a simplified lifestyle again. These are things I have done so far and hope to encourage others to join me for the pure joy of it.

I sheared $2184.00 off our annual expenses by bundling our home and auto insurances and by making instead of buying our dogs treats. They love these new treats nearly as much as we love the two of them. They are so simple and inexpensive to make which saved us nearly 30.00 a week in treats alone and they're healthier too!

I guess at 54 this is where I am starting again from scratch.

We have since added a few square-foot gardens and trenches to plant up. We live in Zone 5, and it is a bit slow due to the excess rain we have gotten in May this year, but it is a learning year for us and we will indeed do that. I have been trying to make that No-knead bread successfully now for a while. Today it is done. What a beautiful thing she is and soooo delish. The bread savings alone will add up to $550.00 a year savings.

I have yet to determine the savings we hope to receive from our gardens this year. I will be adding this to our blog and web page soon.

I have an interest in adding ducks, a couple, I think? Though I am still in the thinking about it stage. We have two yellow labs as I mentioned and we are not sure Morgan and Bella would be so delighted to welcome feathered friends to the mix. They are sweethearts, but that may be asking a lot.

If anyone has any input about this I would love to hear from you. I also want to learn about Beekeeping. Well, that is all for now. I included a few pictures to share with you.

If anyone reads this, thanks. I look forward to getting to know others with similar interests.

Narde~Banks...Bee Friendly Farm~

Comments for Justa Mere Simple Life

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Sep 19, 2011
by: Bea

Hi, just came in to say am and always have been interested in going organic, I am by myself, with little or now help with things I choose to embark on, have some building skills, but no tools..lol, my interest is in rabbit pens, a long time ago when married we did keep rabbits, and also want a few chickens, need advice as to what kind, how many nest boxes, how many roosters, how to fence a patch a small woods in for livestock, is it ok to run chickens and pigs in there at the same time, since I live in Mi, and they will have summer shade from the trees, do I still need a lean to for them to sleep in, what about a coop for the chickens, should it be kept off the ground and if so how high..so many questions

Jun 07, 2011
by: brooke

Join your local bee-keepers association or make friends with a few local keepers so you can run questions by them. Buy 2 packages of bees and the brood boxes for each; you will also need a bee suit, a hive tool, and a smoker. I say get 2 boxes of bees in case one doesn't do well--you can actually trade frames between hives(strong to weak...) I like the book, "first Lessons in beekeeping" by Keith Delaplane--concise, but thorough.

May 29, 2011
Dogs and Birds
by: Cyndi

I recently acquired two chickens and have two Springer Spaniels. I really wanted the chickens to roam the yard but was concerned about what my bird dogs would do. I decided to give it a try.

After just one afternoon of positive reinforcement I am happy to report that everyone is getting along fine, so as someone else mentioned it is possible! I am also in NH and look forward to reading more of your adventures.

May 23, 2011
Dogs and Fowl
by: Anonymous

I started my farm just 2 years ago. I have four dogs. My little terrier mix spent the first year killing every chicken and duck he could get his teeth onto. Every time one escaped, it died instantly.

So, I started using positive reinforcement training. Put him on a leash, and every time he looked at a bird, I would call him to me and give him a treat. This became easier and easier to do. This teaches the dog to make a CHOICE of whether to come to you, or to kill a chicken.

Six weeks later, and I can have my naughty boy in the field with 60 or more chickens and ducks, and he completely ignores them. If one runs by him, he thinks about getting it, but instead chooses to turn to me, at which time he gets rewarded. So, it can be done. It is completely possible to have dogs and livestock living together peacefully. Good luck!!

May 23, 2011
Hi Tara
by: Narde

Tara, it is nice to meet you here

May 22, 2011
Thank You!
by: Tara Woodruff

I look forward to seeing more about your adventure! I have taken up on this as well, edible landscape, and as many steps towards transition as possible.

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