Growing Hyssop

Growing hyssop is a good idea if you are looking for a natural way to increase energy and rid your body of toxins. The herb Hyssop is a valuable plant, but don't expect it to be the same as the herb found in the bible.

According to most biblical scholars, the hyssop of the Bible is probably not the same plant that we know of as hyssop today.

Happily, the modern version of hyssop is still an important addition to any medicinal herb garden. Both the fresh green tops and the flowers are edible and used for medicinal purposes.

Photo by Hans at

Plus, the flowers of Hyssop have a fabulous aroma that will attract both bees and butterflies to your garden.  It's a beautiful addition to your homestead.

Growing Hyssop
For the Medicine Cabinet

The herb Hyssop works as an expectorant to help make a dry cough productive. It will make you sweat more, helping your body to dispel toxins. Also, it makes you more alert and gives you energy.

The herb Hyssop both prevents and eases flatulence.

Make an infusion of Hyssop, allow it to cool, and apply it externally to painful joints to relieve rheumatism. You can also make a tea from the fresh green tops and drink it several times daily to ease rheumatic pains.

Also apply the cooled infusion to a black eye to ease the swelling. Make a poultice of the chopped, fresh leaves of the herb Hyssop to apply to cuts for rapid healing.

For the Kitchen

The fresh leaves add a slight mint flavoring to salads. Boil hyssop tops in soup to help ease the symptoms of asthma.

Both the flowers and leaves produce a perfumed oil that is highly valuable. The herb Hyssop is also used to make Chartreuse.

Growing Tips

Choose a sunny location to grow your hyssop. The plant will grow in partial shade but does much better with lots of exposure to the sun and frequent watering. Plant your hyssop seeds a quarter of an inch deep. The plants should be about a foot apart.

The herb Hyssop is a perennial in USDA zones four and above. It is annual in zones one through three. To keep the plants from becoming tall and spindly, cut the foliage back to help your Hyssop become bushier. Also, cut off old flower stalks.

Learn More About Healing Herbs

More Tips on Natural Remedies

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